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How to contact a Barrister

The majority of barristers' Chambers are located in Brisbane, but others are based in Townsville, Rockhampton, Cairns, Southport, Toowoomba, Ipswich, Mackay, Maroochydore and other regional centres. You can also search our Barristers' Directory.

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This directory contains the contact details of only those barristers who are members of the Bar Association of Queensland and who want their details to be published. The details have been provided by the individual barrister concerned, and BAQ takes no responsibility for the accuracy of any information or third party content. Use of the information contained in this directory is governed by the website's T&Cs.

BAQ maintains a register of all barristers issued with a current Queensland practising certificate. Access to this register is available for public inspection free of charge at BAQ's premises during normal working hours.